
Iona's Homewares

Iona Buchanan is a botanical illustrator by training and inclination and works exclusively in watercolours. She paints carefully observed and beautifully detailed water colours of flowers, fruit and vegetables but a series of commissions from private collectors broadened her range of subjects to include birds, sea life and cartoons. Frustrated by an inability to keep up with demand for originals and encouraged by clients, friends and relatives she looked for opportunities to make her illustrations more widely available and created a range of homewares based on her original images.

Iona makes award-winning bread warmers, which are designed to keep bread and rolls warm when they're served at the table. They won a ‘Highly Commended’ at both the prestigious Gift of the Year Awards and the ‘Excellence in Homewares Awards’.

You nan find out more about Iona and her work by checking out her website.


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